Sunday, October 12, 2008

12 on October 12

Whew, Sundays can be quite busy for us and today was no exception.

Breakfast consisted of Apple cider donuts from Curtis Orchard, a wonderful, local orchard. I could go on and on about my childhood memories of apple picking in the fall, but I am kind of tired now and really want to get this post completed...... When I purchased the donuts yesterday, they were piping hot - fresh off the donut fryer. They are still delicious this morning, especially with apple cider.

Sunday means church for us and today I help teach Brian's Sunday school class. We are covering the story of Sarah and Hagar from Genesis, Chapter 16 - you can see the beginning of the chapter here.

One of the activities during Sunday school was using glue and glitter to reveal a saying.

I know you can read the first word "Beer", but before you think "my gosh, what kind of church do you attend??", the whole phrase is "Beer Lahai Roi", translated to "the God who sees me". [Side funny here - when we asked the class if they knew what the words on the worksheet meant, one of the students (the Worship Minister's son) said "I know what ONE of the words is!" with great exuberance.]

After church, we have lunch and I drive Erica to the stables for her Sunday afternoon job of preparing horses for classes. In my rush, I forgot my camera.

I had several bills and kids' folders to go through, preparing for the coming week.

The weather is crazy - just too hot for mid-October. I hate to do it, but the air conditioning has been running the past two afternoons. Hopefully, it will cool off by Tuesday.

One of Scott's recent purchases - one of those mini basketball hoop games for the basement. He recently purged the basement of older bulky toys that the kids have outgrown(anyone need a play kitchen?) to make room for these more grown up toys. Scott's high score on the basketball hoop is 85 and he makes sure the others in the household know that fact. So Brian, along with friend W try their hand at breaking that record. Even teaming up, they didn't get close.

Mid October means it harvest time.

I'll confess - I took this picture yesterday, but I knew I wouldn't have time Sunday afternoon to bike out to the field. But it still looked the same today as it did yesterday....

I made a small batch of basil pesto as part of dinner. I still have two big plants in the garden, and with the hot temperatures, they are still growing. I expect next weekend I'll have to drag out the full size food processor and make enough pesto to last through next year.

The basil in the sink:

Ah, chopped with garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese and olive oil. Yum.

Sunday evenings bring some weekly chores - cleaning out Peanut's cage, for example. Peanut is enjoying his fresh bedding.

Scott watched football in the afternoon, was happy to see the Colts win over the Ravens and now is settling down to watch New England and San Diego. It's not going so well for the Pats....

And after cleaning up dinner, getting the kids showered up and ready for bed, I enjoyed a nice little drink - just what I needed after my busy day.


  1. Okay...I must say that I am not a big donut fan, but those just look and sound so good. =] Loved having a peek into your life today!
