Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Catching up a bit.....

Compliments of a co-worker, I spent the entire Labor Day weekend sick with this sinus - achy - headache thing. Not sick enough to warrant lazing around in bed all day long, but just sick enough to walk through the day in a haze, not motivated to do anything truly productive. Case in point, I spent a total of two minutes in my Scrapbooking area - enough time for me to realize I was in no mood to create anything.

But I did get a lot of reading done - I joined a neighborhood book club, and September's selection is "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. I picked it up from the Bookmobile (public library on wheels that comes to our neighborhood every week) on Thursday. Finished it yesterday.

I also made good progress on Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, so I guess the weekend wasn't a total loss.

And I didn't forget that my little sister, Teresa turned 40 on Sunday!! Here is a picture of the two of us from October, 2007:
. And T, I plan to ship out your Rescue scrubbing pads tomorrow or Thursday (OK, probably Thursday).

I noticed that the ScrapShare Blog roll registered an update from my blog this afternoon - that confused me until I realized that I updated a previous post. I decided not to renew my Imageevent Image hosting account, as I have moved to Flickr. Unfortunately, many of the pictures in this blog are linked to pictures in Imageevent, so I am in the process of un-linking them and re-linking to Blogger. What a pain. My top priority is to edit the posts from my trip to China in 2006 - after those posts are done, I'll prioritize some more. I have a month, so hopefully I'll get it all done.

Last update - Brian's Baseball team lost again tonight, but only by one run, and they were missing two of their strongest players. I feel a win in their near future!

1 comment:

  1. Great to get an update! Sorry you're feeling crappy, I hate those walking through a haze kind of days. Totally non-productive.

    I cannot wait to start reading again. I had to put it on hold for the summer. (I'm an obsessive reader and won't eat or drink until I'm done - doesn't make for good mommy-ing!) My copy of "Water for Elephants" has been sitting on my bedside table for a couple of months already!
