Friday, September 12, 2008

12 on September 12

September 12 is a special day for us - 16 years ago, Scott and I were married! As a 12 on 12 bonus, we have a poor quality picture from our wedding day - don't we look young!

But back to the present day..... rains and tropical air (HUMID) rendered today rather miserable. Scott had planned to play in a golf outing, but it was rescheduled due to the rain. I had planned on taking the day off to Scrapbook and scout out the local parks to serve as the backdrop for our yearly family holiday pictures. The Weather Channel's Doppler radar showed a lot of green, so the rain was here to stay all day. I decided to go work instead.

But the rain has been needed in the garden. My basil plants will love the moisture:

I dropped the kids off at school (Erica is too embarrassed by my picture taking, a typical Middle School student)

At least Brian isn't holding up his hand to block his face....

Yesterday, Scott took the kids to school and they strapped Fluffy the Hamster into his "Car Seat". I see him every time I look at the rear view mirror. Fluffy travels with us all the time (case in point, he has been to Scotland), and he enjoyed being a part of this month's 12 on 12.

Normally we go to lunch on Fridays with several co-workers. But since it is our anniversary, Scott and I head out by ourselves. We eat at the Candy Kitchen - a newly renovated Candy shoppe / Soda fountain / Restaurant on historic Main Street. The unique fixtures, antique booths, original ceiling and floor tiles give the place old time charm.

They serve traditional sodas (Phosphates) and homemade ice cream shakes. Yummy!

Scott brings home flowers and a cute (lumpy-bumpy) anniversary card:

My pictures from mpix have arrived:

I don't feel much like scrapping tonight, though. We are just hanging out, watching Hannah play around.

Tomorrow night, Scott and I will go out (sans kids) for dinner at Radio Maria to celebrate our anniversary some more (I guess you could consider it a celebration to the start of year 17 together).


  1. WOW - love that picture of the basil - great job! :)

  2. Your pictures are really great. Seriously! I also wanted to say Congrats! Have a great time tomorrow. =]

  3. Happy Anniversary!
    Great job on the 12 on the 12th (I totally spaced it until I read Lee's blog and now yours...thinking I should do 13 on the 13th instead...)

  4. As always, I loved the pics. Happy Anniversary!!
