Monday, August 11, 2008

Random Thoughts - Cat escapades and the Olympics

I haven't felt much like blogging recently. Seems as if things are pretty hum drum around these parts. Maybe I am just tired of summer. Maybe I need a day off by myself - the drone of every day life seems to be wearing on me.

Except for tonight - I spent a good hour this evening chasing Erica's cat, Hannah, around and underneath the neighbor's deck. And amongst their assortment of oak leaf hydrangea, hostas, black eyed susans and rose bushes. I think we provided our neighbor with some entertainment as we scurried from one end of the deck to the other, peering underneath the deck, then checking around the landscaping. Maybe we were more entertaining than the synchronized diving that was being shown on NBC's Olympic coverage. I guess I would have prefered to watch the Olympic coverage - chasing a lithe cat just isn't my idea of a relaxing evening.

How did she get loose? Well, we own a contraption called a cat harness. Basically, it's useless - Hannah knows how to break free of it - she just slips out of it. Of course, she did this while I was in charge of monitoring her, so I am obligated to get her back safe. If Erica wasn't going to totally lose it emotionally, I would have just let Hannah stay outside all night. But any remote chance of her "baby" getting lost is too much for Erica to bear. I am happy to report that Hannah is safe and sound in her room and she won't be going outside with me as her chaperone anytime soon.

Random thoughts on the Olympics:
Why do the women beach volleyball players wear next to nothing and the men's beach volleyball players are out there in tank tops and long shorts? Even Brian, a mere 8 years old, keenly observed Saturday night during coverage of women's beach V-ball that the players were "playing outside in their underwear! Mom, Dad - look - those girls are hardly wearing anything!". Yeah. I don't think it gives them a competitive advantage.

Then there is the men's swimteam and their suits. But I won't write anything about that, 'cause I might be called a hypocrite for admonishing Misty May's and Kerri Walsh's attire (insert winking smiley here).


  1. Ah yes, my younger son has shown an interest in the women's beach volleyball players and their "muscles". wink wink!

  2. First of all, I don't own a cat...never have, but aren't they supposed to "roam" all over the place? I didn't think you had to keep a cat inside. Hmmm...Why did I think that? LOL Anyway, the Olympics. I ditto what you said. Even the wink wink! Wink wink. =]

  3. Winking here too. My 11 year old is VERY interested in volleyball this time round!


    That's okay, his mama is enjoying the men's swimming, too.
