Friday, August 1, 2008

Countdown To Breaking Dawn

I am posting this because Erica is such a Twilight Series Fan, and while I did read the first book, I'm really sort of 'meh' with the whole hype. But, hey, a little hype now and then is quite fun.

5.5 hours until the Premiere party at the local book store, and Erica has holed herself up in her room, reading Eclipse (again! I think she has all three books memorized by now). The party runs from 11pm until midnight and she will be attending with her BFF, Kathleen. (I'll be there, too, keeping my distance, because, both girls would be "totally embarrassed" to be seen with their mother). I just hope I don't fall asleep in one of the reading chairs.

Erica won't actually purchase the book tonight, because Auntie Michele pre-ordered the book through Amazon a couple of months ago as a birthday present. I assume it will arrive Saturday morning and then she will be out of commission until she devours the book.

I, personally, will be finishing up Scott Westerfield's 3rd book in the Uglies series, Specials. I can't convince Erica or Kathleen that they would enjoy these books. Oh, well. Maybe one of their teachers or other friends will recommend the books and they'll listen.

1 comment:

  1. Claire is not too keen on this series. The whole idea of 'vampire' scares her. But I will look into those "Uglies" books you mentioned. THAT might be interesting to her. Thanks for the recommendation.
