Tuesday, August 12, 2008

12 on August 12th

12 pictures that represent our 12th of August:

Middle August - great temperatures for my morning runs, but it's noticeably dark when I start out. The sun was barely coming up when I finished 4 miles today, but the pink clouds had already dissipated by the time I was able to grab my camera. I biked down to the local slough for this picture:

This morning's kitchen picture is courtesy of our refrigerator door. Yes, we collect magnets - we have so many, they are starting to migrate to the sides of the fridge. But we love them all, and it is one of the reasons we will probably never go to a stainless fridge.

We haven't had much rain recently, and the grass is looking a little crispy, so I watered a little this morning:

The kids are at the YMCA daycamp - I dropped them off just before 8am:

I see these wildflowers along the roads - they emerge in June and last until September. I have no idea what they are, but they add a nice purple-blue punch of color.

The corn has grown to its peak height, has tassled and the ears have emerged. Now the green stalks will turn golden.

After work, the kids played with the water hose.

I practiced violin, in preparation for my lesson - I am working on a Bach Partita, which is an unaccompanied violin piece (no piano - just plain violin). Tonight is my first lesson since the middle of June.

Some of the books we have borrowed from the library to read. Yeah, I check out various cookbook and then decide if I will spend the money on them. The Rachel Ray book on the bottom seems to have a decent selection of recipes.
I am now on the 3rd book of the Twilight Series. The books have gotten better through the series.

Erica and Hannah!

My regular violin teacher, Ms Kim, is pregnant with twins and she is currently on bedrest, so she has arranged for a substitute, Beth. Like many recent graduates, Beth lives in an apartment close to campus, in the older part of town. The street is paved with brick and home to many old trees. As I leave, the streetlight catches my eye.

Lastly, we are watching Women's gymnastics right now as I finish this up.


  1. Looks like you too had a wonderful day. Love the first photo ... actually, love all of your photos!

  2. Loved the photos...especially the violin one. How long have you been playing? Great pics today!

  3. Played violin from 3rd grade through my first year of college.
    I picked it back up this past January, and am really enjoying it.
    I still miss playing in an orchestra - there is a local one that I could probably be accepted into, but I can't swing the additional 3 hours in the week for rehearsals.
    So for now, I play myself.
    Thanks for all the comments!
