Monday, July 7, 2008

Back to Reality

After 10 days of not having to cook, not having to make / pack the kids' lunches, not having to think about what time the kids' activities are, sleeping in, reading the paper at a leisurely pace, completing 3 books, and generally relaxing, we are back to reality.

I guess it had to end sooner or later....

Some of the highlights:
Erica and I have officially ridden all of "Major Coasters" at Cedar Point - 5 new rides for us this year, 15 out of the 17 coasters at the park (the remaining two are kiddie coasters - I'm too tall to ride them). I can't wait to ride some of them again.

4th of July Fireworks in Manlius - they put on a nice show.

Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse - a great place for BBQ.

The kids trying out Grandma's new lawn tractor. As good as an amusement park ride!

Hopefully, I'll get the pictures downloaded off my camera soon..... but for now, I need to go to the grocery store!


  1. Wow!! We have tickets for Cedar Point but not sure when we are going to get to go. We were there in early June and it just poured rain and stormed so we thought we would just go back sometime this summer. . .just not sure when. .but it will be my first trip there!

  2. Wow! Sounds like you've been busy. I love a good roller coaster! Welcome back to reality...we've been waiting for you! LOL

  3. I wanted to go to Cedar Point this year! I had planned our whole trip, but then we decided to clear our land instead, so that used up all our money.

    I can't believe you were right down the road in Syracuse! I'm sad that I didn't get to meet you.
