Monday, June 16, 2008

Erica's 11th Birthday!

As if three baseball games and a garage sale in two days wasn't enough, add in Erica's 11th birthday party - a sleepover with 5 of her friends. This party materialized at the last minute - Erica decided the who and when details on Tuesday evening, leaving me the task of inviting her friends (calling and leaving lots of messages on answering machines - amazing that mode of communication does work!). Normally, there would be formal invitations (with an RSVP by date!), balloons, a custom cake, party favors, etc. Well, none of that this time.....I was lucky that the grocery store has pre-made cakes and decorators on hand - we picked out this chocolate cake for the party:

Even details of what we would do during the party were sketchy - I suggested swimming [NO!], and a movie [nothing good is playing], going to the park [it will be TOO Hot and BORING - no LAME {LAME is this summer's catchphrase}]. OK, I thought, we'll just run this thing by the seat of our pants. They can always just "hang out" and generate their own drama.

But Mom comes through in the clutch - I suggest Mini-Golf - and the suggestion is accepted! It was the perfect night for Mini-golf - we were even allowed to keep the 6 girls together. After Mini-golf, we went to a new park in town and the girls ran around until sunset:

Back at our house, settled down to popcorn and a movie - Nancy Drew:Get a Clue. Lights out at 11:30 and hopefully they got enough sleep. All I know is I certainly slept well - I was exhausted!


  1. Wow. You have been busy! Looks like your daughter had a great time. Sometimes, those are the parties that turn out the best. =]

  2. Happy Birthday to Erica! Sounds like she had a great party.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Erica!

    My Meghan turned 11 on the 18th and we haven't decided what to do for her birthday yet. We'll probably do something very similar to what you did for Erica. Easy as pie. :D
