Coming full circle
>> Friday, June 27, 2008 –
My mother always said there would come a time when I would look back on all the afternoons spent in front of the piano, and thank her. Well mom. Thanks.
Now, if only Erica would pick up her violin again.....
I am often asked questions and comments about my photography - what location, what camera, what settings, etc. The camera question aside (i...
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My dear Korean mother had me in piano lessons just about my whole childhood. Seriously. Since about the age of 4. Somehow though, I managed to slip away from it all when I got into high school and thought I'd be glad never to touch a piano again. Ha. It is one of my biggest regrets. Now, as an adult, I am depserately trying to clear out the cobwebs and get my mojo back. Alas, I should have stuck with it way back when. I hope she will pick up the violin again. *sigh*