Monday, June 23, 2008

50th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, the Plant held its 50th Anniversary Celebration. It was the grand finale event following a week of business meetings - Operations and Budget Meetings, Sales and Marketing meetings, with visitors from across the globe.

We gave plant tours every 30 minutes starting at 9am until 3pm. Scott was a tour guide for the morning hours (and we finally get to see him in a Hard Hat!)

But running tours wasn't his biggest challenge - it was the dunk tank! He set the example by being the first manager in the tank.

It didn't take long for him to get wet (especially when one of the engineers slapped the target)

Melanie tried her arm at dunking him - she finally got it done later in the day.

You can see Scott going in the water (see how the seat is vertical):

Erica tried to dunk her Dad, but her aim was a little off....

We brought in several inflatables for the kids (and the adult kids), including this "King of the Hill" climbing wall. Brian climbed the thing twice.

We held Chipping contests, Free throw contests, and the most entertaining contest - the couples golf cart race - two people in the cart - the driver is blindfolded and the passenger gives directions. Our friends, Karen and Dave got a little off course - they were headed for the fence! Scott and I didn't do too well - in addition to almost hitting the fence, we ended up by the Schwanns' ice cream truck instead of the finish line. The key to success in this race - drive the cart slowly (and Scott's strategy was to gun it fast). Needless to say, we didn't win any prizes.

We ended the day by running the Bingo games. Brian helped me out. The event ended around 4pm and we were tired!

Over 400 people attended the day's activities. We all had a great time.


  1. My boys would have loved that climbing wall!

  2. How fantastic - what a lot of work putting that on!

  3. Wow it sounds like quite the event. Fun!

  4. Sounds like a fun day. My kids would have loved that climbing wall too.

    So, did you use your new lense to take those pics?

  5. So, did you use your new lense to take those pics?

    I indeed did! (I need a huge smiley emotecon here). I got several more of the dunk tank - various people going into the water.

    The only drawback to the day - so much stuff going on, we didn't get to try everything (I wanted to try the climbing wall - not enough time)....
