Monday, May 12, 2008

12 on the 12th of May

How can it be May 12 already?
The cornfields are barely planted, the weather has been so cool and wet.
Even this morning - the thermometer registered a mere 39 degrees as I went running.

But the golden sun rose around 5:40am, not a cloud in the sky, the morning sun hits the block window in our bathroom.

The sunlight also streams into the kitchen, and onto the lilacs Erica picked on Saturday.

Today's morning beverage:

The traffic into town:

And the gas prices - and by the afternoon, this station had raised their prices by another $.10!

The price of mailing a first class letter increased today. Guess who had to go to the post office?

To buy some of these:

After work, I had to drive across town to retrieve a package sent Federal Express - you know, the annoying kind of package that requires you to sign for it in person. But the package is important, it is Scott's birthday present!

Brian had TaeQwonDo class today - he has a mid term test coming up on Thursday:

Erica has been reading Ann of Green Gables, so we watched the first DVD tonight.

Even though it is the middle of May, I still have tomatoes, basil, parsley and eggplants to get into the garden. Hopefully, this weekend....

The Korean lilac is just starting to bloom.

That's a wrap for this month's 12 on the 12th


  1. Shirley - your pictures are great this month, I especially loved the window picture and Anne picture. My daughter just read it (again) and we watch the movies a lot! - but guess what? I just had a panice attack when I clicked on your blog. It is 8:13 p.m. my time and I forgot all about it. I still have time right? *nervous and upset*...

  2. Some of those shots are pure artistry. Great job!

  3. Thanks for the comments!
    Sherry - you can always take your 12 today or tomorrow!

  4. Hey lady! I saw the update on Facebook, love the blog & of course, am amazed by your photography. Very cool!!!
