Monday, April 7, 2008

Blog Challenge #12 - Getting To Know You

This week's ScrapShare Blog challenge comes from Midnight Scrapper in Cali. She want to get to know me better (!), so she has posed 10 questions for us to answer.

1) Right now I want: for dinner to be made already! (And it certainly isn't making itself as I write this blog entry....)

2) I wish I knew how to: make adjustments to my photos more effectively. I use special software from Nikon (which is now outdated, but I am NOT spending another $100+ to be upgraded) and PhotoShop Elements. A lot of the time I feel like I am learning by trial and error.

3) When I want to indulge myself, I: buy a Latte from the local coffee shop. For added indulgence, I get a raspberry scone.

4) You’ll never see me: eating in one of those Chinese "Super Buffet" restaurants. Quantity does not make up for quality. Plus, I can cook it better.

5) A childhood memory that I love: Not sure if this is considered to be childhood, but when I was a senior in HS, I had the opportunity to tour the former Yugoslavia with the Greater Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra. One night we performed Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man in a Dubrovnik Castle. I still get chills as I recall the french horn section appearing atop the castle's keep, blaring out the Fanfare's first notes.

6) 2 things I do every single day: I probably sing or hum every single day. If not out loud, then certainly in my head. I also count my blessings and thank God for what I have.

7) Happiest moment of 2008, so far: This one is kind of tough. I think I was truly happy for my friend, Nancy, when she gave birth to her first baby in February. We visited her and baby Michael in the hospital the day after he was born and I got to hold him. When was the last time I held a day old baby? That would be over 8 years ago.

8) Describe yourself in 3 words: Determined, Creative, Detail oriented. I asked Erica to describe me and she said "Mean and Cruel". I must be doing my job as a mother correctly then.

9) 2 scrap related goals for this year: Spend less than $50 this year on supplies (so far I have only spent $8). Do more Hybrid scrapping (combination of Digital and traditional scrapbooking).

10) You have $40 that you MUST spend on yourself – what do you do with it? I would get a pedicure - my feet need it after all of the running I have been doing.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley - I love your answers. You did a great job. Sadly, I am one of those people that love a good Chinese Super Buffet - but that's probably because I have never had REALLY great Chinese food. LOL I had to sigh really big when I read about your experience in Yugoslavia. Wow. What an awesome experience - I can almost picture it myself. TFS
