Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spring Tease

Mother Nature teased us today with sunny skies and 65 glorious degrees. The local park was teeming with kids, parents, dogs, bikes, kites and an occasional squirrel. I noticed several couples taking walks, all enjoying the balmy weather. Even the birds were singing their spring songs.

Scott washed all three cars - they were coated with winter grime and road salt. We left the garage doors open all afternoon. Brian and Erica donned shorts in the afternoon while playing on the slowly shrinking snow pile at the end of the driveway. I ran in shorts and a short sleeved t-shirt; I used the grill to cook dinner - both firsts for 2008.

Alas, we enjoyed it while the sun shone in the sky. Because tomorrow we are getting ice and snow, and more snow is forecast for Tuesday.


  1. I am tired of winter I can tell you that!

  2. Yeah, me too!!
    Ice and a couple of inches of snow today....
