Saturday, March 29, 2008

I'm Committed Now......

I officially signed up for the Lincoln Memorial Half Marathon, which will be held next Saturday in Springfield, IL. I'll get to run past the Capital Building, Lincoln's Home, The Lincoln Presidential Museum and Lincoln' Tomb.

Last year, about 500 runners ran the race, so while it won't be as exciting as the Indy Mini Marathon, I won't be running alone.

So no excuses now - I am no longer a runner without a race (and I actually have to run this thing!)


  1. Good for you, Shirley! I can't wait to hear how you do in the race.

  2. I did a half marathon when I was in my senior year of high school. I thought I'd have a marathon or two under my belt by now. Instead I am a candidate for the couch to 5K. LOL Good for you and best of luck!
