Tuesday, March 4, 2008

5th Grade Concert Pictures

Erica's 5th grade class presented a musical titled "I Have A Dream" last Thursday (Feb 28th) as a way to wrap up Black History month. Through out the year, each of the grades presents one of these musical concerts. In the past, K-3rd grade would present during the holiday season while the 4th and 5th graders would present theirs in the Spring. Having experienced the progression from Kindergarten through 5th grade, one can't help but notice the changes in attitudes of the kids as they prepare and perform.

In Kindergarten - the audience is packed. For each child on stage there is at least 6 people in attendance to watch little Johnny or Suzy in their cute outfits. The kids giggle as they take the stage and have to restrain themselves from waving to Mommy, Daddy, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins in the audience. There is a constant stream of camera flashes and camcorders are working overtime to capture the children's joyous voices.

Fast Forward to 5th grade. The audience mainly consists of the immediate family. The stage risers have obvious gaps - missing students who decided that he or she was too cool to sing for a bunch of parents. (Because they are in 5th grade and they are too old for this sort of thing). I am amazed by how big some of these kids are - I am sure several are taller than me. Most of the kids sport some sort of grimace or sheepish smile. When I asked Erica if she liked the songs they were going to sing, I received a grunt of a reply. Ah, welcome to the cusp of the teen / tween years.

But as a good mom, I had my camera and took several pictures of my daughter's very last musical performance in elementary school. Such milestones deserve to be captured.

The kids wait for a cue from their music director - you think they could smile once in a while?

The eye rolling was fast and furious during this number where the kids had to use hand motions.....

I think their expressions say it all....

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