Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Goal Post

No, not the physical poles people try to get a ball through.

This is my response to Blog Challenge #5 from Scrapshare (note, I haven't done Challenges 1-4 either):
What is your most important personal goal for the year? What are you doing that is just for you? How are you trying to improve yourself?

OK, here it goes -
Run that 1/2 marathon. The background - I have always considered myself the "serious runner" in my family - I have been running since 1992 and ran a lot until Erica was born. Got back into running after moving to Illinois. So last year, my sister Teresa takes up running. And decides to run a 1/2 marathon. My competitive nature kicks in (coupled with a tinge of sibling competition), and I have to run a 1/2 marathon, too. The problem - while Teresa has a local 1/2 marathon to run, I can't find a decent race close to me. I waited too long to register for the Indianapolis Mini Marathon in May. I'm sure I'll find one to run, but for now, I am a runner without a race.

One other random goal - the $0 scrapbooking spending goal for 2008. I have a $50 gift card from Hobby Lobby that Scott gave me at Christmas. That's what I have to spend on scrapbooking supplies this year. I have a TON of supplies that I need to use up.

Improve myself? I picked up my violin again and I am taking lessons. Really, the lessons provide pressure for me to practice. I try to play every day, at least 30 minutes. So far so good, and I do think I have made progress these past two months (the cat no longer hides under the couch when I play - only kidding).

There's my Goal Post. I should make a list of less serious goals - like what new photographic gear I want to buy. Or set a deadline for getting an iPhone. You know, more of the fun stuff.....

1 comment:

  1. Sibling rivalry? No excuses...get your butt down here to Charlotte and run with us. Did 9 miles this past Saturday and it felt great!
