Tuesday, February 12, 2008

12 on the 12th of February

I signed up for this 12 on 12 challenge, which means that on the 12th of each month, I need to take 12 pictures of my day, mundane as it might be.

I am in a grey mood because of the grey skies, cold temperatures, harsh wind and general disdain towards the season called Winter. A light dusting of snow covers the ground, adding to the grey of the landscape.

I take the kids to Walgreens after work because Valentine's day is in two days and we have nothing for the kids' school valentines parties. Erica and Brian want chocolate, too, and we get Mike and Ikes, Sour Patch Kids for Daddy:

Tonight Erica and I have violin lessons tonight - I am working on a Seitz concerto from my past. Erica is working on the last piece in Sukuki Book 2.

I decide that the curves of the piano are cool:

And the piano room is littered with Brian's Bionicles (he put them away later in the afternoon - they now are strewn all over his room):

The kids play with Hannah after getting their chocolate fix:

Then leave her alone to check out the grey view from the kitchen. I wonder what is going through her brain ("will the wind blow the snow some more?", "I hope the humans don't force me to go out there - it looks so cold")

Tonight's dinner is a chicken pot pie - here is the start of the filling - you know it has to taste good if there is bacon in it.....


  1. Love it, Shirley. Your photos are fabulous.

  2. Oh my word. What an amazing idea. I am going to do this - if you don't mind =]. I love your pictures. Great quality with everyday subjects. You've got a good eye.
