Wednesday, January 30, 2008

That's a First

I am really only posting because I updated the blog yesterday (Jan 29), but because I started my London post on Jan 28, it is flagged as such and WILL NOT update on the Scrapshare Blog Roll.
So I am posting so that I move up on the list. Yeah, I realize that is totally lame and I should really get a life, but I am a little grumpy, still being a little bit jet lagged out (getting up at 4am and tired at 7pm - I think that puts me out in the middle of the Atlantic).

But getting back to the title of the post - I experienced something so special on my return flight from Heathrow into Chicago this weekend that I must mention it here - my large suitcase was the VERY FIRST bag off the plane. I know that "someone's bag has to be first", but it has never been me. So there.


  1. I think that's a very auspicious sign!

  2. Or maybe it had something to do with flying business class! But I'll take it!
