Saturday, December 8, 2007

October - Stateside Reception

Early in October, I flew to Boston where Michele and Andrew's "Stateside Reception" was held. Due to cost constraints, Scott and the kids stayed at home.

Since many of the Chang side family members couldn't attend the official wedding in Scotland, this was an opportunity for them, along with Mom and Dad's friends to celebrate the occasion with a traditional Chinese Wedding Banquet.

We stayed in the "Plymouth Estate", which meant plenty of food and a feast the night before the banquet - several of us pitched to make dumplings, a traditional activity for our family.

Mom also made her famous Shrimp in Tomato sauce.

The Chinese banquet was held at Ocean City Restaurant in the heart of Chinatown and of course the main emphasis was FOOD.
One of my favorite things - shrimp chips!

The Double Lucky cake:

Family picture:

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