Saturday, September 1, 2007

Quick summary of Scotland

The good:
Pretty nice weather (Wednesday was sunny and 70 degrees)
Absolutely gorgeous landscape and scenery
A beautiful bride and groom
A wonderful new branch of the Chang family
Kilts everywhere!

The bad:
Airline delays and more airline delays
Getting to see every terminal in the Newark Airport (never a good thing)
US Dollar exchange rate to the British pound and prices in Scotland

The ugly:
Narrow winding roads in Scotland
Our drive from Glasgow to Oban - Brian got sick in the car

But overall, it was a great experience and we really like Andrew and wish he and Michele a wonderful life together.

Now for some pictures:

On route to Dunstaffnage Castle, a hike along the Western coast of Scotland

We stayed at the Ganavan Sands Holiday park, in the cabins seen off in the distance to the right:

My sister and her family

On our hike, we encountered some sheep:

On the Isle of Kerrera:

The bride and groom - on the ferry ride to Mull

Another family picture at Glengorm Castle grounds, on the Isle of Mull:

Glengorm Castle, where the Reception was held. It is also a B&B and we were one of the lucky ones who stayed overnight.

Led by cousin Theo, all of the men and boys participate in traditional Scottish dancing. Brian stands out in this sea of kilts.

Another Castle, as seen on our ferry ride from Mull to Oban:

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