Monday, June 4, 2007

School's out for Summer and other Random items

I think the title says it all...... today was the kids' last day of school. Can't hardly believe that Erica will be going into the Fifth grade in August - she is going to rule the school.

But already, I am hearing the inevitable "I'm bored" and "I wish school was still in session". Erica is saddened by the fact that two of her good friends will be entering Middle school in the fall and will not be around for After School care.

Other random items from today -

We had Tilapia for Dinner - Recipe # 238 - Salmon with Spicy Pineapple and Mango Chutney, from Rachel Ray's 365 - No Repeats Cookbook. The recipe calls for salmon, but the kids and Scott prefer tilapia. And the chutney was served on the side because Erica and Brian say "That's disgusting!". Well, I thought it was tasty and so did Scott, so another thumbs up for Rachel.

I also had to make meatballs for tomorrow's dinner - Scott and I will be attending a work related dinner - so, I need something quick for the kids and the sitter.

I guess that's all for now......

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