Saturday, September 2, 2006

What do the Contents of your bag say about you?

As usual, I am woefully late in participating in this week’s ScrapShare Blog Challenge (but I have a couple of excuses - really!). Here is the Challenge:

1. Open your purse/wallet/briefcase/diaper bag.
2. Inventory the contents.
3. Pick one item from your inventory list and expand on it. Why do you have it? Where did it come from? What special meaning does it have? Is there a funny/interesting story attached? Choose something that will tell the reader a little about you, whether it's serious, funny or unremarkable - or if you're writing for yourself, choose something that will remind an older you of who the younger you was.
4. Add photos if you'd like to.

Go - inventory your contents!

Well, my purse is really very boring. I don’t keep a lot of stuff in it and I am one of those people who, when given the choice to carry one or not, will choose not to carry a purse. That probably stems from the many years of lugging around a diaper bag, filled with stuff for every potential situation. If I will be out shopping or around the town, I will only carry my little wallet - that way I will be unencumbered by a dangly bag.

So here is a picture of my purse and the contents:

My purse - it is a Coach knock off, purchased in China. Notice the lime green trim (ref - favorite color blog entry). I have a matching big tote that I carry my laptop in.
Left to right:
  • iPod, with unattached earbuds - I normally have my iPod docked in the FM transmitter in the car. I put it in my purse when I leave the car and have the earbuds separate.
  • Medicine bottle - ibuprofin, allergy medicine, sleeping pills
  • Cell phone - one of the reasons this entry is late. This is my first cell phone! I ordered it on Tuesday off the web and just received it today - a Pink RAZR. If they offered the RAZR in green, that’s what I would have ordered, but I am very happy with this one.
  • Green wallet - this one is a real Coach wallet. I have had it for at least 10 years. Credit cards and minimal cash are in this thing.
  • iPod skin - just in case I want to use the iPod and want to protect it.
  • Pen - from the Gloria Hotel in Nanchang, China - see my July Blog entries to read about my two weeks in China
  • Checkbook - because you never know when you will need to write a check (kids afterschool care, lunch money, violin lessons, horse riding lessons, etc.)

That’s it. I know, not too exciting, but each item serves a purpose in my every day life.

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