Friday, June 16, 2006

The Ultimate in Chaos and Stress - the Birthday Sleepover Party

And let's not forget the Ultimate in Noise production, mainly screaming and screeching.
And then there is the Drama.....

Erica turned 9 today, and for her birthday party, I agreed to a sleepover party. Sounds relatively good on paper - limited number of attendees - low cost (pizza and admission to the local pool) - no running around carting the cake, balloons, party favors to the party location. A simple premise - have some additional kids over - eat pizza, cake, ice crea, open presents, go to the pool, come back and watch a movie, then hunker down to sleep.

But the initial screaming and screeching was a bit much. Everyone was so excited and wound up about the party - each time there was a "ding-dong" at the front door, there was all sorts of running around, arms flailing about and the requesite screaming. I think the girls really scared the Dominos Pizza delivery guy.

But we survived the pizza, cake and presents and headed out to the Pool. Not a problem. But then the drama started when the girls left Meridian at the deep pool side to go to the shallow end. Details are sketchy to me, but the girls then proceded to chase Meridian around the pool, and she just wanted to be left alone because she was angry at them. About 30 minutes later, all has been resolved, but I know there were some serious negotiations going on.

Well, I took two Advil since getting home. The girls are settled down and watching a movie - The Pink Panther. It is now 11:00 pm and I am exhausted. Hopefully the girls are, too and will at least be quiet enough for ME to get some sleep......

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