Tuesday, February 28, 2006

American Idol - 10 females

I didn't get to see all of the female contestants last week, so I am taking time out to enjoy tonight's episode.
Already, the hosts are killing time with their aimless banter. Now we get to see some aimless coverage of Katharine and Kelly being silly.

Now, I didn't see much of Katharine during the audition rounds. I personally think she looks like Rachael Ray, which should only help her, as Rachael seems to be everywhere.
Katharine is OK during her rendition of Stevie Wonder's All is Fair in Love. There were some rough spots. I have never heard her sing until now, and thought it was just OK. But it seems like the judges really like her, regardless of tonight's performance.

Next up is Kinnick (sp?) Sky. This is the first time I have heard her sing. She is going to sing a country song from Gretchen Wilson. Let me say - I am not really impressed. She sounds like she is shouting / talking more than singing. It could be that I am not a country fan, (but I do like Carrie Underwood). The song is boring and repetitive. The judges tell her that it was entertaining, but didn't showcase her singing talent. I agree.

Lisa Tucker is next. We get to hear about her experiences of being a stage person, and how she wants to be the American Idol. No kidding. She is singing a song that I don't recognize. It seems OK, it is a bluesy, slow-ish song. I now find out that it is originally from the Jackson Five. Randy says it was "all-right", but didn't showcase her voice. Seems like a re-occurring theme tonight. Paula loves her. Simon says that she will make it through this round without an issue. I like her - she is cute.

Another country song from the belly-button bearing Melissa McGhee. Just OK again. It seems that this week the contestants are picking somewhat safe songs. It did get better towards the end. Randy and Paula seem to be pleased, but Simon didn't like the song choice.

Heather Cox is going to sing one of my favorite songs, Hero by Mariah Carey. We get to see a clip of her holding a boa constrictor on the streets of Hollywood. OK, on to the singing. Well, the problem with singing a song originally sung by Mariah Carey is that you will never be as good as Mariah. And Heather isn't as strong as Mariah - and the judges agree. It seemed like she was singing in a wedding. Boy, Heather looks really disappointed and even angry with the feedback, but manages to eek out a smile for the camera.

Brenna is the one contestant that I hate. She annoys the living tar out of me. She is just too full of herself. She is going to sing Last Dance from Donna Summer. She's not too bad - not so annoying, she looks like Donna Summer and it was fairly entertaining. But then she has to talk and I go back to hating her. The judges were lukewarm again to her performance.

I like Paris - liked her ever since her audition. She was great last week and I think she is very talented. Paris shows incredible control as she sings another wedding standard, Bette Midler's Wind Beneath my Wings. And she is better than Bette! Wow! The judges all agree that she should be singing something "younger", but Paris chose it because it is her great grandmother's favorite song. Sound like she has proven the judges point.

Ayla Brown, who is more used to being in sweats than glamour wear is singing a Celine Dion song. She sounds very pleasant and certainly can sing very well. I would like to see her liven things up in the folllowing weeks. The judges give her the general thumbs up, but still think she is almost too perfect and mechanical. She doesn't have the raw talent of Paris, but she should go far.

Kelly Pickler's clip show us what a sheltered life she has lived - she had her first spinach salad while doing Idol. Hmmm - I would think that they grow spinach in most states. She is singing Something to Talk about from Bonnie Raitt, which is a song I like, although with the country rendition, it was just OK for me. Paula and Randy like her, and so does Simon. Because she is cute. (rolling eyes now).

Last up is Mandissa. She is singing Cry by Faith Hill. Continuing on the country theme. Her clip is hilarious - the dog jaw joke. I only recognize the chorus of this song, but it is fantastic. Where Ayla sounds very manufactured, Mandissa is very real. Even though it was a country song, but it didn't sound too country from her. The judges like her but think she can be even better.

So, who might be going home? Brenna (I hope), maybe Kinnik or Heather Cox.

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