Saturday, January 14, 2006

Lazy Saturday

Ah, the joys of a Saturday where there are no outside commitments..... no work, no chauffeuring kids around to activities, just hanging out at home and doing whatever pleases you.

The only "commitments" are the weekly grocery shopping and requisite exercising routine. Running this morning WAS a bear. Outside looks inviting enough - bright sunshine once again - but instead of balmy 50 degF outside, it is a rather wicked 30DegF. Of yeah - and bright sunshine means it's windy out. Add in that prairie wind chill and it feels like 19! I wish I had checked the weather channel before heading out. Oh well - it is done, and although I didn't run my normal amount, I am sure that it was good enough.

Last night, several of us gals got together at my house to scrap - it was really nice - four of us in the basement. We do this every January, as our normal meeting place is not reserved for January. I kind of wish we could meet at my house more often - it forces me to clean up my workspace and I don't have to lug everything to church (our normal meeting place). I may need to mention that to Susi for future dates where the participation is less than 5 people.

What did I get done last night? I put together the DPS of Nibly, our since deceased pigmy hamster. I had to tell the girls last night about her story..... so sad. I guess that is story for later.

Time to go!

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