Saturday, January 14, 2006

Additions to my Scrapping Space

So, in my last post, I relished in the fact that I didn't have any commitments today - I could laze around all day long, if I wanted to. But instead, I found myself completing some long overdue projects!

Basically, I framed and hung a couple of prints which have been "staged" on the Dining Room table for the past year! Even more pathetic is how long I have owned these prints - one is 14 years old, the other is 13 years old....

What prompted this flurry of activity was the kids, of course - they went to ToysRUs to spend the rest of their Christmas gift cards and purchased several movie posters - Star Wars and King Kong. Scott purchased a King Kong poster as well and in his search for an appropriate frame, he ran across my "staged" prints, and another framed print, no longer in use. The old framed print was too small for his poster, but was usable for my 13 year old print. He then measured my 14 year old print and went to Wal-Mart to purchase a couple of Poster frames.

Long story short, I spent the rest of the afternoon disassembling a metal frame, mounting my print and putting the whole thing back together again. Repeat for print number 2 and then hang both on the wall. I hung them in my scrap area.

Print number 1 is by Van Gogh, one of my favorite artists:

The painting is his Vase of Roses, Oil on canvas, painted in 1890. I purchased this from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Washington, DC in October of 1991. Then it sat in a picture tube until last year.

Print number 2 is a copy of a lithograph, purchased in Hawaii, on our honeymoon:

It is a collection of Plumeria images, a beautiful native flower. It shared the same picture tube with print 1 for all of those years! Well, I guess what counts is that they are now out in the open and being appreciated - brightening up my scrapbooking area:

I am quite proud of my accomplishment for the day and will finish it off by getting some additional scrapbooking done!

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